Certified Testing Services

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), Particulate Matter (PM)

Mold, Asbestos, Carbon Dioxide (CO²)

Carbon Monoxide (CO), Formaldehyde (HCHO)

Volatile Organic Compounds (tVOCs)

Hydrogen Sulfide (H²S), Ambient Gas

Radon, Radiation, Sound (dBa)

EMF (electric magnetic field) NI-EMR

Remediation & Mitigation Consultation

Commercial and Residential

Indoor Air Quality Testing - Regina, Sk.

RMO Environmental Inspection Services

          Indoor & Environmental Health Services

Regina, Sk. Canada   Ph: 306-543-1833


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EPA -Environmental Protection Agency

EPA Protocol


Health Canada

Radon - IAQ

Its Your Health


National Environmental

Health Association


National Radon

Proficiency Program



Radon Project

WHO International EMF Project

IAQ Guidelines

Authorized Inspector

IAQ Standards, Guidelines and Protocols

•  . * .

* . •  *  IAQ - Indoor Air Quality

Poor indoor air quality is one of the “leading health risks” according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In homes and buildings, indoor air pollutants range from minor irritants such as dust and animal dander, to major concerns such as Particulate Matter (PM), Carbon Dioxide (CO²), mold, radon, and chemical vapors (VOC’s) that may be emitted from building materials and furnishings. It is important to know how air contaminants affect your health, and what can be done to improve IAQ.

In commercial buildings, the term "Sick Building Syndrome" (SBS) is used to describe situations where building occupants experience acute health effects and discomfort that are linked to time spent in buildings. These complaints may be localized in rooms or zones.

Environmental experts report that most new and remodeled buildings worldwide may be subject to excessive Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) problems.

Note: IAQ Testing and Assessment involves more than just mold!

RADON is a Radioactive Gas that causes Cancer!

Radon is an inert gas, which is radioactive. It has a half life of about 3.8 days, and is often found in basements, homes, and buildings, as it seeps through various openings and cracks.

Radon goes through a long decay process until it finally becomes stable (non radioactive), while emitting radiation at each decay stage along the way. These other radioactive isotopes are small particles referred to as “Radon Daughter Particles (RDPs). These particles are radioactive versions of lead, bismuth, or polonium which float in the air where they can land on objects, or be inhaled. When inhaled, they can cause lung cancer.

In Regina, it is estimated that over 40% of homes and buildings may have unsafe levels of Radon.

EPA has confirmed that Radon will collect more in winter months, and that every home should be tested. Radon is Dangerous! Have your home or building tested!

Black Mold is Toxic and causes serious illness!

Mold is everywhere… and thousands of mold species have been identified in homes and buildings everywhere. Of these, over 100 mold species are known to cause human illness or a disease response.

The most common types of mold that are known to cause a wide array of health problems include: Stachybotrys, Aspergillus, Penicillium, and Tricholderma.

Toxic mold exposure from contaminated indoor air can result in serious pulmonary, neurological, digestive, and skin related illnesses.  

Individual response to mold exposure can be unpredictable. Some people seem to suffer little, while others become severely debilitated from only limited exposure. Stachybotrys gets so much attention because it produces "mycotoxins" or poisons that can seriously damage the lungs and central nervous system.

Basically, mold is a fungi, and wherever there is moisture, mold will grow and spores will become airborne.

Many other airborne microbial, bioaerosol, organic and inorganic contaminants can also cause serious air quality problems.

If you suspect you have indoor air quality problems, call us today.

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IAQ - Air Quality Assessment: $99.00

$45 hr

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